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IV. Fulfilling Social Responsibility
TNUA established “University Social Responsibility (USR) Hub”. Starting from the school's professional fields, the USR Hub fulfills social responsibilities by forming partnerships within the local community, defining the cultural connotations of "local studies", and focusing on the transformation and reproduction of local cultural content through creative performance and exhibition Between 2020-2022, the Ministry of Education approved four projects. In terms of school-level assistance mechanisms, the master plan should pay about NTD 1.97 million for one full-time staff post and site operations, including the establishment of "2021 When Home Becomes a Museum" teaching and exhibition project in the school. According to the principle of flexible salary for recruiting and retaining distinctive talents, teachers participating in social practice courses and programs are encouraged to lead the team through flexible salaries and incentives for English-language instruction.
Hi-Five Plus: 從北投平埔族群到屏東原住民的國際藝術對話
Related links|USR Hub of TNUA Facebook Official Fan Page
USR Hub: Achievements of the Sprout Project Over the Years
Hi-Five Plus: Hi-Five Plus: International Art Dialogue from the Pingpu Ethnic Group in Beitou to the Indigenous People in Pingtung
Achievements of the Arts Matching Service- Learning
104年啟動「鬧熱關渡節」,師生連結關渡地區各級學校、里辦公室、社群、社會機構及臺北市政府等單位,以人文創新與地方關懷視角進入不同場域,以藝術教育工作坊進行社區培力,在與關渡地區里民共創、共藝的對話中,以藝術為媒介將屬於「個人」的專業轉化為「公眾」的能量。108年成功推動學校與地方團體共同成立「關渡文化藝術基金會」,109年鬧熱關渡節轉型為由地方自組基金會推動,實質推進北投在地發展。110年成功舉辦為期1個月的多元活動,例如:文化走讀、共創關渡之歌與音樂MV等。111年則以「光夜市」為主題,打造全臺唯一水上市集(圖 9),透過在地攤位、淨港活動與踩街枕頭大戰等藝文活動串連關渡中港河碼頭的海港生活歷史、生態和人文。此外也與關渡光藝術節「濟濟」合作,以光的藝術回應關渡豐富的自然景觀、生態環境、人文特色及其歷史變遷。
In 2015, "Fun Guandu,” a festival organized by TNUA and connected with schools in Guandu, village offices, communities, social organizations, Taipei City Government, etc. Through the perspective of humanistic innovation and local care, the festival has engaged different fields and empowered the community through art education workshops. Through the medium of art, the dialogue from co-creation and art with the local people in Kuandu has been transforming "personal" professionalism into a "public" energy. In 2019, Guandu Culture and Art Foundation was founded by TNUA and communities. In 2020, the Foundation transformed Fun Guandu from a local festival to a foundation-supported independent event, substantially promoting the development of Beitou. In 2021, the Foundation successfully held a month-long series of diverse events, such as cultural walk reading, co-creating song of Guandu and music videos, etc. In 2022, the theme of the Fun Guandu Festival is the "Light Night Market," the festival has created the only water market in Taiwan (Fig. 9), linking the history, ecology and humanity of the harbor life of Guandu Zhong-Gang River Wharf with local vendors, harbor-cleansing activities, the pillow fight parade, and other art and cultural activities. In addition, the Festival also cooperates with the Kuan Du Light Art Festival: Tsē Tsē to echo the rich natural landscape, ecological environment, humanistic characteristics and historical changes of Guandu through the art of light.
圖 SEQ 圖 \* ARABIC 9 民眾遊覽鬧熱關渡節-水上市集
Fig. 9 Participants of the Busy Fun Guandu - Water Market
北藝大長期推動藝術深耕地方,特別重視「文化永續」(原住民族文化保存、傳統技藝傳承),在與關山電光社區地方多次座談及藝文交流活動建立共識後,以每年在關山縱谷巒綿山峰與稻田間所上演全村總動員的大地劇場《戲說雷公火》。111年持續與各系所合作推動不同主題實務課程,讓學生透過實際踏查、訪談和移地教學、創作的實踐過程,陪伴社區保存與發展。串連《戲說雷公火》演出,以「電光農村趣」主題,規劃戲劇、市集及辦桌活動,協助社區發展具地方特色文化體驗活動與遊程,實踐「以藝術為地方創生」的理念。透過藝術管理課程工作坊,協助社區發展具地方特色文化體驗活動與遊程(如傳統酒麴製作、阿美族編織體驗等),推出具在地文化特色之工藝品(圖 10)。
With an emphasis on "cultural sustainability" (preservation of the culture of indigenous peoples and transmission of traditional arts and crafts), TNUA has been promoting the arts in the local community for a long time. After many discussions and art exchange activities with the Kaadaadaan Village, a consensus was established for annual work with the village on the large-scale theatre, the story of Kaadaadaan, in the breathtaking scenery composed of the rift valley and paddy fields of Guanshan. In 2022, we will continue to collaborate with departments to promote practical courses on various topics. The students can get involved in community preservation and development through field research, interviews, off-campus courses, and the practical process of creating. Moreover, with the performance of the story of Kaadaadaan, other drama shows, markets and roadside banquets are planned under the theme of "Tayra i Kaadaadaan" to help the community develop cultural experiences and tours with local characteristics and to realize the concept of "placemaking through art." Through the workshops of arts management course, we assisted the community in developing cultural experiences and tours (e.g. traditional jiuqu making, Amis weaving experience, etc.) and introduced crafts with local characteristics (Fig. 10).
圖 SEQ 圖 \* ARABIC 10北藝大x電光社區《工藝與飲食文化交流工作坊》
Fig. 10 TNUA x the Kaadaadaan Village “Craft and Food Culture Exchange Workshop”
由校友帶領前往魚池鄉田野調查在地民俗、話題與人物性格,進而創作在地文本與設計戲劇演出,以趣味性十足又溫馨動人的劇目為在地民眾帶來戲劇的震撼,同時有部分劇情採用即興演出的方式,讓觀眾每一天看到不同的劇情發生,用戲劇感動、溫暖所有人。109年榮獲台新藝術獎提名,110年因疫情全面轉為線上演出,卻也突破往年困境,獲得跨縣市、跨領域、跨類別的各界支持與參與,「藝童玩戲劇」藝術營隊超過100個教材包以及線上藝術課程遠播至臺灣各地的盛況。111年與魚池國小及新城國小合作舉辦「藝童玩戲劇」,由本校戲劇校友帶領團隊深耕服務邁向第6年的夏令營活動,設計多元的藝術課程,帶領學童、長輩觀賞《2022魚池戲劇節酬神祭》(圖 11)的演出,本校藝術社會實踐積極培養學生與社會產生連結、設計補足偏鄉藝術資源缺乏的教育推廣活動,強化北藝大肩負善盡社會責任之責任。
The Yuchi Festival comes from the field studies led by alumni of the local folklore, issues, and people of Yuchi Township. Many local texts and theatrical performances were created and designed to bring theatrical inspiration to the local community with interesting and heartwarming plays. Some of the plays were even performed through improvisation, allowing the audience to view a different performance every day. In 2020, the Festival was nominated for the Taishin Arts Award. Due to the pandemic in 2021, it switched to performances online. With the support and participation of people across counties, cities, fields and sectors, it managed to overcome many challenges. The "Kids Play Arts and Drama" art camp team offered over 100 teaching kits and online art classes videos that have been distributed and watched throughout Taiwan. In 2022, the school collaborated with Yuchi Elementary School and Sincheng Elementary School to organize "Kids Play Arts and Drama." Nearly 6 years since it launched, this summer camp activity was led by alumni of the Department of Drama, who designed diverse art courses and led students and seniors to watch the performance of "2022 Yuchi Festival: Siā-Sîn" (Fig. 11). The school's arts social practice actively cultivates students' connection with society, designs educational and promotional activities to supplement the lack of arts resources in remote areas, and reinforces TNUA to fulfillment of social responsibility.
圖 11 2022魚池戲劇節酬神祭(魚池戲劇節提供/攝影陳華威)
Fig. 11 2022 Yuchi Festival: Siā-Sîn (Photo credit by Yuchi Festival/Photographer, Hua-Wei Chen )
Related link|Behind the Scenes of the Kids Play Arts and Drama Camp
經過一個學期的課程與學習,學生透過對於記憶政治的文本閱讀與不同學院老師對於藝術形式參與社會議題的經驗分享,逐步構思自身所關切的議題。在臺灣過去民主轉型時代與現今社會關係中找到一個切入點,並透過藝術媒介轉化成創作,與國家人權博物館合作,開設議題式跨學院創新課程,搭配跨域實驗藝術創作提案。希望透過田野踏查與文化展演的穿透力,讓多元紛雜且曾被排除的歷史創傷記憶,在特定場址中以具有當代性的方式再現,促使綠島人權藝術季超越紀念追思的調性,轉型成能夠引領話題、提升議題關注度、推進轉型正義的藝術節慶,引起思辨、促成社會溝通對話。111年延續往年與國家人權博物館的合作,開設以「人文社會議題」為主軸的跨藝課程,規劃國中教學巡演計畫,搭配教育劇場工作坊、教案設計工作坊及歷史人權事件討論課等,落實跨領域教學與實踐。此外延伸「人權不義遺址1+1」藝術實踐計畫(圖 12),推動教育劇場巡演,選定歷史人權事件(基隆中學事件和澎湖七一三事件),赴基隆與澎湖不義遺址進行國中教學,透過教育劇場沉浸式學習暨在地客制教案,讓國中生亦能夠針對白恐議題進行反思,進而連結到當代之民主課題。
Over a semester of coursework and studying, through readings on memory politics and seminars on art-based social engagement by teachers from different colleges, students gradually develop their own perspectives and ideas about various social issues. This project explores the relationship between Taiwan's contemporary society and its historical journey to democracy, transforming it into artistic creation via different artistic media. As a collaboration with the National Museum of Human Rights, this project offers issue-based intercollegiate innovation courses coupled with interdisciplinary experimental art proposals. This project hopes to use the penetrating power of field studies and cultural performance and exhibition to reproduce, in a contemporary and site-specific way, the diverse and complex historical traumatic memories that have been excluded from public discourse. This project also hopes to elevate Green Island Human Rights Art Festival beyond a simple commemoration and transform it into an art festival that can lead the conversation, raise awareness about this topic, and promote transformation and justice to provoke reflection and social discussion. In 2022, TNUA continued its longstanding collaboration with the National Museum of Human Rights. This year, the school launched an interdisciplinary curriculum focused on "humanities and social issues", and is planning a touring program for junior high schools with educational theater workshops, lesson plan design workshops, and discussion courses on historical and human rights events to implement interdisciplinary teaching and practice. In addition, the "Historical Sites of Injustice "1+1" Artistic Practice Project" were also launched (Fig. 12) with the educational theater tour. Historical human rights events (Keelung Senior High School Incident and July 13 Penghu Incident) were taught at the very sites they occurred in Keelung and Penghu. Through immersive learning experience and custom-made lesson plans provided by educational theater, junior high school students are able to learn and reflect on the issue of the White Terror period, which can be linked to the contemporary issue of democracy.
圖 SEQ 圖 \* ARABIC 12人權不義遺址1+1工作坊 開啟對歷史的多感體驗
Fig. 12 Workshop of Historical Sites of Injustice “1+1” for Opening up a Diverse Experience of History
Related links|2022 “Remembrance & Marginalization: A Human Rights Memorial Art Transformation Project “Historical Sites of Injustice ‘1+1’ ”
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