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III. Making Higher Education More Accessible
The school will introduce measures in accordance with Appendix 1 in the MOE's Higher Education Sprout Project, "Improving the Accessibility of Higher Education: Improving Assistance Mechanisms for Vulnerable Groups and Effectively Promoting Social Mobility" and with the campus enrollment and university specialization development plan. These measures will improve the school's assistance mechanisms for students belonging to culturally deprived groups or lacking sufficient educational resources.
本校積極辦理「繁星推薦入學」、「單獨招生」、「個人申請」、「四技二專」及「特殊選才」等多元入學管道,招收擁有特殊天分之經濟或文化不利學生,並提供經濟不利學生入學應試相關費用減免、補助及入學應試協援服務,減輕應試負擔。學士班一年級招收比率比率107年為7.18%、108年9.21%,透過協助,錄取人數有所增加;109年因總報名人數下降27.6%,此類學生錄取比率下降到6.8%,而110年又成長至8.89%,111年更成長至9.23%;在文化不利學生錄取率, 107至109年約在0.25%至0.27%間,110年成長至0.48%,111年則降回0.25%。
To facilitate the recruitment of economically or culturally disadvantaged students with distinctive artistic talent, the school established diverse admission channels, including "Multi Star Project", "Independent Admission", "Individual Application", "Four Skills and Two Majors" and "Special Admission for Distinguished Students". The school also provides tuition relief, subsidies, and entrance examination assistance services to help disadvantaged students reduce the burden of examinations. Through assistance mechanisms, the number of student enrollments increased: the enrollment rate of first-year bachelor's classes was 7.18% in 2018 and 9.21% in 2019. In 2020, the admission rate of students in this category dropped to 6.8% due to a 27.6% drop in the total number of applicants, then rose to 8.89% in 2021. However, in 2022, it rose to 9.23%. The admission rate of culturally disadvantaged students ranged from 0.25% to 0.27% in 2018-2020 and increased to 0.48% in 2021, but in 2022, it dropped to 0.25%.
圖 SEQ 圖 \* ARABIC 7 參與本校110年招生宣傳活動之特殊身分學生分析
Fig. 7 Analysis of special identity students who participated in school engagement activities in 2022
為增進經濟或文化不利學生對於本校入學與就學輔導相關機制的了解,本校透過辦理「藝術體驗活動」及「校園參觀日」多元藝術體驗暨招生宣導活動,拓展學生來源。惟上半年度受疫情影響,部分活動因而暫時取消或延後辦理;下半年度本校與各學系視疫情趨於穩定後,與招生對象中學合作,以「到校活動」或「線上說明會」等形式辦理大師班課程、藝術體驗活動、招生說明會等方式。回饋統計顯示,參與過本校招生宣傳活動學生中,6.9%學生生長於經濟不利家庭、離島及偏遠地區學生4.7%、原住民學生2.5%、新住民及其子女2.7%,顯示參與本校招生活動的學生中有將近2成是經濟或文化不利學生(圖 7)。
To raise awareness of school admission options and academic counseling services among economically or culturally disadvantaged students, the school organized diverse engagement and promotion activities, such as "Art Experience Activities" and "Campus Visit Day" to expand student sources. However, some activities in the first half of the year were canceled or postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the second half of the year, after the pandemic had stabilized, the school and various departments cooperated with targeted secondary schools to conduct master classes, art experience activities, student recruitment seminars and other activities onsite or online. Feedback and statistics show that 6.9% of the students who participated in the school's engagement and promotion activities were from economically disadvantaged families, 4.7% were from outlying islands and remote areas, 2.5% were indigenous, and 2.7% were new residents and their children. This shows that approximately 20% of the students who participated in the school's enrollment activities are economically or culturally disadvantaged (Fig. 7).
[Highlights] Implementing the Special Admission for Distinguished Students Plan
1. Distinctive achievements, talents, performance, or potential with limited learning resources due to economic or cultural disadvantages
Through the establishment of qualification conditions by the department, students are no longer limited by academic achievement requirements. The school offers educational opportunities, counseling, and resources for outstanding candidates with economic or cultural disadvantages and different educational qualifications (such as overseas Taiwanese students, new residents and their children, experimental education students, students with overseas academic qualifications who apply and hold credible foreign entrance examination results, etc.), and distinctive talents. For the 2022 academic year, 199 candidates passed the Special Admission for Distinctive Students examination, of whom 32 were economically disadvantaged (compared to 40 in the 2021 academic year). Among these, culturally disadvantaged individuals included 15 who are the children of new residents (compared to 14 in the 2021 academic year), nine indigenous students (five in the 2021 academic year), one student from a family with special circumstances, two students with physical and mental disabilities, and 44 students in experimental education (22 in the 2021 academic year). Among the above 32 economically disadvantaged candidates, 24 applied to the drama department, which only offers entrance examinations to students from disadvantaged backgrounds. These preliminary results show that this enrollment channel may help the department to unlock and spot potential talents. In the future, the school will analyze data in the student learning effectiveness platform to track the academic performance and graduation rates of the students enrolled through this channel and evaluate its effectiveness as a talent recruitment mechanism.
The Indigenous Student Resource Center was established on July 1, 2020, and its inauguration ceremony was held on October 22. The Center provides comprehensive counseling services to help indigenous students fully engage in their studies, create an inclusive environment, and advance the diversification of TNUA's talents and campus culture. Through cooperation with the Academic Affairs Office, the Computer Center, and the Student Consultation Center, we have gathered basic background knowledge about the indigenous student population, including their languages, hometowns, and other relevant information.
圖 SEQ 圖 \* ARABIC 8 原住民族社團-Dalan賽德克族樂舞呈現
Fig. 8 Indigenous Club-Dalan's Music and Dance Performance of Seediq
TNUA accumulates many achievements every year in teaching, creation, exhibition, promotion of art education, and community and industry events. In addition to the Center for Art Resources and Educational Outreach, TNUA engages all departments to host the "Summer School'' (art, dance, animation, drama, and traditional music). The program invites students from eighth grade to sophomore year to experience TNUA's art education through hands-on learning, artistic creation, and teamwork with classmates from different backgrounds and age groups. In addition to uploading various school information to the MOE's school affairs information portal, building a school affairs information app, and publishing exhibitions and academic activities on the school's official website, the website of the Higher Education Sprout Project digitally preserves implementation results over the years. The school's information is also published through social platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. The 2022 Higher Education Intensive Cultivation Plan achievements exhibition was held online. For the exhibition, 21 short films documenting the achievements of each plan were uploaded, and a one-month period lucky draw was held, engaging approximately 2500 participants. Relevant information is provided to all stakeholders, and information disclosure items are revised year by year in the form of rolling review.
Related links|TNUA Art Promotion Education Plan
The School Implements the Moe’s Medium-Term Aesthetic Education Development Plan
School Affairs Information Portal
Website of the University's Higher Education Sprout Project
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