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II. Developing the School’s Characteristics
The school-level key development plan will enable the school to jointly develop unique intercollegiate collaborative courses with multiple advantages, demonstrate exceptional innovative teaching achievements, and establish trademark programs like the “Kuan Du Light Art Festival,” “Technology and Music Transdisciplinary Experimental Theater,” “Light Weight - Crossing Universities Work Camp,” and “Kuandu International Animation Festival” as brand models of higher education in the arts. With its long-term and strategic approach to training and encouragement of independent learning, this interdisciplinary collaborative learning model plays a unique and irreplaceable educational function in Taiwan.
圖 SEQ 圖 \* ARABIC 4 關渡光藝術節《濟濟》學生創作新媒體裝置藝術
Fig. 4 Students Create New Media Installation Art at Kuan du Light Art Festival: Tsē Tsē
關渡光藝術節由北藝大新媒體藝術學系規劃主辦,是新媒體藝術學系對於「什麼是跨領域藝術」不斷的追問與實驗,並透過顛覆場館與藝術體驗的大型新媒體劇場實驗成果。107年《游泳克》與108年《壞運動》於北藝大游泳池展演、109年《量子糾纏》在關渡美術館及周遭環境創造全新的展演空間的可能、110年與校園達文西餐廳跨域合作。關渡光藝術節《濟濟》(圖 4)首度跨出校園,移師關渡中港河碼頭展演2週,達11252參觀人次。為北藝新媒系首次與財團法人關渡文化藝術基金會合作,爬梳關渡地區的歷史記憶、未來展望以及藝術公共之間的關係,帶動城市文化創意,持續拓展公共藝術的新媒體藝術特色。
Kuan Du Light Art Festival is planned and organized by TNUA Department of New Media Art. It is the product of the department's continuous inquiry and exploration into the question, "What is interdisciplinary art?", experimentation of large-scale new media theater is conducted that subverts physical space and the artistic experience. The exhibitions "High Swimming" (2018) and "Moving Badly" (2019) were exhibited in the TNUA swimming pool, while 2020's "Quantum Entanglement" created possibilities for brand-new exhibition spaces in both the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts and local community. In 2021, the DaVinci's Kitchen on campus was invited to have a cross-disciplinary collaboration to hold the exhibition “E.A.T. Da Vinci.” For the first time, Kuan Du Light Art Festival: Tsē Tsē (Fig. 4) was held outside the campus and exhibited at the Guandu Zhong-Gang River Wharf for two weeks, with a total of 11,252 visitors. It is the first time that the Department of New Media Art TNUA has worked with the Guandu Culture and Arts Foundation to collect and compile the historical memory of the Kuandu area as well as the future outlook and the relationship between art and public to promote urban culture and creativity and continuously expand the features of new media art in public art.
2022 關渡光藝術節《濟濟》首波宣傳片
Related links|Kuan Du Light Art Festival Facebook Official Fan Page
2022 Kuan Du Light Art Festival: Tsē Tsē Project Overview
2022 Kuan Du Light Art Festival: Tsē Tsē Promo Video
【亮點】關渡光藝術節《後花園 III-情感漫遊》
[Highlights] Kuan Du Light Art Festival: Post-Garden III : Wonderland
北藝大音樂學系與新媒體藝術學系自106年起與法國里昂國家音樂研創中心(Centre national de création musicale, GRAME)展開緊密合作,邀請知名擊樂演奏家Jean Geoffroy擔任藝術指導,啟動一系列對當代音樂與科技藝術的國際跨域創新實驗教學與展演計畫。繼《絢璧》(106)、《驅動聲音的光》(107)、《能量轉換》(108)後,109-110年《後花園》系列奠基於往年跨系跨國合作共創的經驗,將跨國合作網絡進一步推展至法國國立里昂高等音樂舞蹈學院(Conservatoires Nationaux Supérieurs de Musique et de Danse de Paris et de Lyon, CNSMDL)與法國里昂藝術創新與傳播中心(LiSiLoG)。111年推出《後花園III》新作,由新媒系與音樂系老師合授3門資訊科技及STEAM相關跨域課程,以共創教學模式進行,透過技術講授示範、實作練習、分組合作等方式,引導30位學生將所學專業結合藝術創造力,期末呈現一件作品。再串聯為《後花園III-情感漫遊》,於臺灣戲曲中心舉行三場校外售票展演,觀眾共210名,於關渡藝術節售票演出共3場,同步直播達1538觀看人次票房成績亮眼,更獲得眾多各界專業人士的高度評價(圖 5)。
Since 2017, the TNUA Department of Music and Department of New Media Art have been working closely with the GRAME Centre National de Création Musicale in Lyon, France. The school invited renowned percussionist Jean Geoffroy to serve as artistic director in launching a series of international interdisciplinary innovative experimental education and performance programs for contemporary music, science, and art. Following "Incarnating Sounds" (2017), "Looking Sounds" (2018) and "Energy Transfigured" (2019), "Post Garden" (2020-21) is based on previous years' experience .
in interdepartmental and international cooperation, and the global network of cooperation has been further extended to include the Conservatoires Nationaux Supérieurs de Musique et de Danse de Paris et de Lyon (CNSMDL) and the LiSiLoG. In 2022, the new work “Post-Garden III” was launched under the three IT and STEAM-related inter-disciplinary courses which were co-taught by teachers from the Department of New Media Art and the Department of Music in a co-creation teaching mode. Through technical demonstrations, practical exercises, and group work, 30 students had been guided to use what they had learned with their artistic creativity to present a work at the end of the courses. Moreover, the students’ presentations were tied up together as the “Post-Garden III : Wonderland.” The three ticketed performances were held at the Taiwan Traditional Theatre Center and open to the public, with a total of 210 audience members. For the three ticketed performances held at the Guandu Arts Festival, there were a total of 1,538 live viewers. The box office results were remarkable and the performances received high praise from professionals from various sectors (Fig. 5).。
圖 SEQ 圖 \* ARABIC 5 《後花園III-情感漫遊》劇照、海報
Fig. 5 Photo and Poster of “Post-Garden III : Wonderland”
相關連結|2022《後花園 III-情感漫遊》宣傳片
Related link|2022 “Post-Garden III : Wonderland” Promo Video
北藝大秉持「立足關渡,放眼國際」的精神,同時擁有音樂、美術、戲劇、舞蹈、文化資源等5大藝術文化領域學院的博士班。為培養獨立研究與思考的高階人才,促成創造力與域外思考的實踐,並增進不同學門師生深度跨領域對話,於是構想為博士生建立更多元的跨學門學術交流平台,每個學期策劃2個系列講座,近3年累積了等6個系列;110年主題「ㄎ一ㄤkiang」、「_間_」共10場講座,邀請國內外知名學者進行學理與研究主題,亦針對青年學者分享其研究、求職經驗,乃至於相關的研究態度觀察,藉以提升北藝師生的研究質量。自110學年度第1學期邀請藝術文化重要議題學者,開辦博士班跨域實驗性選修課程──「英雄之旅:藝術跨域學術專題」。111學年度博班實驗室系列講座邀請到許煜教授與我們分享他正在發展中的三個題目:〈斯蒂格勒與後歐洲哲學〉、〈何謂亞洲?一個提問〉、〈機器與戰爭〉。這三個題目不僅延續了過往許煜教授的研究興趣,也同時指向了使這些提問得以成立的思想遺產。我們可以將許煜教授的演講視為一種思想承繼者與思考者的演示:如何在遞歸中增添偶然,以及對於思想遺產的批判性揀選。(圖 6)
TNUA's motto is "Looking outwards to the world with a foundation in Kuandu.” TNUA offers doctoral programs in five major colleges, including music, fine arts, drama, dance, and cultural resources. To cultivate high-level talents for independent research and thinking, promote the practice of creativity and multidisciplinary thinking, and enhance dialogue between teachers and students from different fields, the school seeks to establish a more diversified interdisciplinary academic exchange platform for doctoral students. Thus, two series of lectures are planned for each semester. There are six series in total from the past three years. In 2021, there were a total of 10 lectures held under the themes of "Kiang" and "_Between_", in which renowned scholars from Taiwan and abroad had been invited to present their theories and research themes. In these lectures, young scholars were also invited to share their research and experiences in job hunting, as well as relevant research attitudes and observations to improve the overall quality of research of teachers and students at TNUA. In the first semester of the 2021 academic year, the school invited scholars on key art and culture topics to offer interdisciplinary experimental elective courses for doctoral classes—"Hero's Journey: Topics of Interdisciplinarity Studies in Arts." In the 2022 academic year, TaipeiArts Doctoral Research Lab’s Lecture Series invited Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Yuk HUI to share with us his three developing research topics: "Bernard Stiegler, The Magic Skin; or, The Franco-European Accident of Philosophy after Jacques Derrida. Edmund Husserl, Philosophy and the Crisis of European Man," "Gilbert Simondon, Introduction of Individuation in Light of Notions of Form and Information," and "Henri Bergson, Mechanics and Mysticism." These three topics not only continue Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Yuk HUI's past research interests, but also refer to the intellectual legacy that made these questions feasible. We can take Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Yuk HUI's lecture as a demonstration and implication of how to be an inheritor and thinker of ideas, which then related to how to add serendipity to regression, and how to critically select from the legacy of ideas. (Fig. 6)
圖 SEQ 圖 \* ARABIC 6 許煜訪臺系列講座 《不相容的思想:遺產及其遞歸》
Fig. 6 “Incompatible Thought: Legacy and Its Recursivity” Visiting Prof. Dr. Phil. Habil. Yuk Hui’s Lectures
相關連結| 北藝大博班實驗室 Facebook官方粉絲專頁
Related links|TaipeiArts Doctoral Research Lab Facebook Official Fan Page
Previous Achievements of TAD Research Lab and TNUA
TAD Research Lab and TNUA Achievement - Past research results (film)
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