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The school-level key development plan will enable the school to jointly develop unique intercollegiate collaborative courses with multiple advantages, demonstrate exceptional innovative teaching achievements, and establish trademark programs like the Kuandu Light Art Festival, Technology and Music Transdisciplinary Experimental Theater, TAD Lab, and Socially Engaged Art Learning as brand models of higher education in the arts. With its long-term and strategic approach to training and encouragement of independent learning, this interdisciplinary collaborative learning model plays a unique and irreplaceable educational function in Taiwan.
(1.)[Highlights] "EAT Da Vinci" at Kuandu Light Art Festival
關渡光藝術節由北藝大新媒體藝術學系規劃主辦,是新媒體藝術學系對於「什麼是跨領域藝術」不斷的追問與實驗,並透過顛覆場館與藝術體驗的大型新媒體劇場實驗的成果。107年《游泳克》與108年《壞運動》於北藝大游泳池展演、109年《量子糾纏》在關渡美術館及周遭環境創造全新的展演空間的可能。110年關渡光藝術節《EAT達文西》是新媒體藝術創作首次進入用餐空間的展演,以沉浸式影像與餐點菜色作呼應,透過影像、聲音及互動,循序漸進地堆疊餐點的層次。「EAT」由 Experimental(實驗的)、Artificial(人造的)、 Technical(科技的)三個不同的英文形容詞組成,訴說創作者從事新媒體藝術創作時抱持著實驗精神創作出科技藝術作品。融合「沉浸投影」、「互動影像」與「臺菜特色」概念,處理一個餐飲空間中的生活議題,跨域創造一場味覺、聽覺與視覺的饗宴(圖6)。
Kuandu Light Art Festival is planned and hosted by TNUA Department of New Media Art. It is the product of the Department's continuous inquiry and exploration into the question "what is interdisciplinary art" and experimentation with large-scale new media theater that subverts physical space and artistic experience. The exhibitions "High Swimming" (2018) and "Moving Badly" (2019) were exhibited in the TNUA swimming pool, while 2020's "Quantum Entanglement" created possibilities for brand-new exhibition spaces in both the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts and the local area. The 2021 Kuandu Light Art Festival "EAT Da Vinci" marked the first time the school's new media art entered the dining space. The exhibition echoed the dishes with immersive images, and used image, sound, and interactive installations to "stack" the meals layer by layer." The name "EAT" is an acronym that stands for Experimental, Artificial, and Technical. The exhibition relates how the artist creates scientific and technological works of art when engaging in new media creation in a spirit of experimentation. Combining immersive projection and interactive image with the theme of Taiwanese cuisine, the exhibition uses a food-related context to address daily life issues and creates an interdisciplinary feast for the senses (Fig. 6).
圖6 關渡光藝術節《EAT達文西》辦理成果
Fig. 6 Results of the "EAT Da Vinci" exhibition at the Kuandu Light Art Festival
相關連結 Related Links|
關渡光藝術節 Facebook官方粉絲專頁 Official Facebook Fan Page of Kuandu Light Art Festival
2021關渡光藝術節 《EAT達文西》 計畫簡介 2021 Kuandu Light Art Festival "EAT Da Vinci" Project Introduction
2021 關渡光藝術節《EAT達文西》預告片 2021 Kuandu Light Art Festival "EAT Da Vinci" promotional video
[Highlights] Kuandu Light Art Festival "Post Garden II - Counterpoint"
北藝大音樂學系與新媒體藝術學系自106年起與法國里昂國家音樂研創中心(Centre national de création musicale, GRAME)展開緊密合作,邀請知名擊樂演奏家尚‧傑佛里(Jean Geoffroy)擔任藝術指導,啟動一系列對當代音樂與科技藝術的國際跨域創新實驗教學與展演計畫。繼《絢璧》(106)、《驅動聲音的光》(107)、《能量轉換》(108)後,《後花園》(109),奠基於往年跨系跨國合作共創的經驗,110年承襲《後花園》結合數位科技應用與原創當代音樂的理念,以二系專業為核心,開設「超聲響跨域專題」等課程。帶領音樂學系作曲組、演奏組與新媒體藝術學系數十位學生創作《後花園II–聲光對位》,歷經九個月課程教學、工作坊、實作研發、階段呈現、創作重組統整、劇場排練等過程,將自製樂器、真實器樂、互動電聲與影像裝置加以整合,建構出超越既定框架、極具實驗與創新的跨域展演模式「科技與音樂跨域實驗劇場」,於關渡藝術節售票演出共3場,同步直播達1225觀看人次票房成績亮眼,更獲得眾多各界專業人士的高度評價(圖7)。
Since 2017, the TNUA Department of Music and Department of New Media Art have been working closely with the GRAME Centre National de Création Musicale in Lyon, France. The school invited renowned percussionist Jean Geoffroy to serve as artistic director in launching a series of international interdisciplinary innovative experimental education and performance programs for contemporary music, science, and art. Following "Incarnating Sounds" (2017), "Looking Sounds" (2018) and "Energy Transfigured" (2019), "Post Garden" (2020) is based on previous years' experience in interdepartmental and international cooperation. In 2021, the school revitalized the "Post Garden" concept with the additional integration of digital technology and original contemporary music, and opened courses such as "Interdisciplinary Special Topics of Ultrasonic Sound" as second-major courses. The programs led dozens of students from the Department of New Media Art to collaborate with composition and performance teams from the Department of Music in the creation of "Post Garden II - Counterpoint". After nine months of coursework, workshops, practical research and development, stage presentation, creative trial and error, theater rehearsals, and other processes, students integrated their own hand-made musical instruments, real instrumental music, interactive electroacoustic music, and video devices to create a "Technology and Music Transdisciplinary Experimental Theater", an innovative and highly experimental interdisciplinary creative exhibition mode that breaks out of established frameworks. There were three ticketed performances during the Kuandu Art Festival, with an additional 1225 viewers tuning in via livestream. The exhibition performed brilliantly in the box office and received critical acclaim and positive reviews from attendees of all backgrounds (Fig. 7).
圖七 關渡光藝術節《後花園II–聲光對位》辦理成果
Fig. 7 Results of the " Post Garden II - Counterpoint " exhibition at the Kuandu Light Art Festival
相關連結|《後花園II-聲光對位》科技與音樂跨域實驗劇場 影片
Related Links | "Post Garden II - Counterpoint" Technology and Music Transdisciplinary Experimental Theater (film)
TNUA's motto is "Set foot on Kuandu, look at the world". TNUA offers doctoral programs in five major arts and culture colleges, including music, fine arts, drama, dance, and cultural resources. In order to cultivate high-level talent for independent research and thinking, promote the practice of creativity and multidisciplinary thinking, and enhance dialogue between teachers and students from different fields, the school seeks to establish a more diversified interdisciplinary academic exchange platform for doctoral students. In the first semester of the 2021 academic year, the school invited scholars on key art and culture topics to offer interdisciplinary experimental elective courses for doctoral classes—"Hero's Journey: Topics of Interdisciplinarity Studies in Arts".
"Hero's Journey: Topics of Interdisciplinarity Studies in Arts" was co-taught by Professor Lin Shaw-Ren of the TNUA Graduate Institute of Arts and Humanities Education and Director Andy Yu of the Graduate Institute of Arts Administration and Management. The school also specially invited Professor Wu Jing-Jyi to serve as education consultant and assist in curriculum and teaching methodology design, taking time during weekends to launch diverse and richly innovative centralized courses inside and outside of the school's academic field. A total of 14 doctoral students enrolled in the program, which enabled them to take courses across five institutes—music, art, drama, dance, and literature. The program's objective was to guide students to consider and explore issues within Taiwan's society, culture, politics, science and technology, education that can be solved with art, integrated into teaching, researched, and formed into service programs. The program also aimed to establish a "creativity-driven" and "resource-driven" interdisciplinary network for students to learn and grow individually and as a team, as well as to enhance doctoral students' research capabilities within their academic careers (Fig. 8).
Fig. 8 "Hero's Journey: Topics of Interdisciplinarity Studies in Arts" student trip to Taomi Eco-Village in Puli
相關連結 Related Links|北藝大博班實驗室 Facebook官方粉絲專頁 TaipeiArts Doctoral Research Lab Facebook Official Fan Page
博班實驗性課程計畫成果與亮點特色Achievements and Highlights of the Doctoral Research Experimental Curriculum Plan
博班實驗室暨北藝學 歷年成果Previous Achievements of TAD Research Lab and TNUA
博班實驗室暨北藝學 歷年成果影片TAD Research Lab and TNUA Achievement - Past research results (film)
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