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Implementation and Enhancement of Instructional Innovation and Quality
1. 發展創新教學模式,提升教研與學習品質
1. Develop Innovative Teaching Models to Enhance Educational Research Quality
TNUA attained notable achievement on developing cross-cultural and international cooperation on benchmarking, extended professional innovation, interdisciplinary and international cooperation through introducing elite instructors and training systems and supporting educators to participate in learning communities and diverse teaching methods and materials.
The achievements of TNUA include the highlight by MOE in 2020 in the Teaching Practice Research Subsidies Program of TNUA’s project in 2018 and the choice courses of Open Course Awards of Taiwan Open Course and Education Consortium to courses including History of Western Music of Professor Lu Wen-Yea 2018, Taiwan Indigo of Professor Chen Wan-Lee of Theatrical Design and Technology of Moocs in 2020, and Taipei Arts Doctoral Research Lab (TAD Lab) Time-Shift and Culture Preservation of Professor Wei Xin-Yi in 2020 of OCW.
Because of the MOE Teaching Practice Research Program, many professors have been researching creative teaching methods in recent years. For instance, in the course Inter-disciplinary Drawing, Professor Lin Chun-Chi of New Media Art cooperated with professionals of various fields to explore methods of instructions on drawing through pencils, body, and sounds; Professor Tu Wei-Cheng of Fine Arts combined creating with social implementation, guided students to investigate, acknowledge, and to begin undertaking for the issues of the cultures of Taiwan; also, the Practice of Traditional Arts on Modern Society: A Study on Systematic Pedagogy of Beiguan Theater Music project of Professor Pan Ju-Tuan of Traditional Music was a productive course in the Program.
【Highlight】Intensive Experimental Course: the Innovative Teaching Method Reinforced by TNUA
為進一步激勵教師願意投入課程發展與實踐創新教學,本校於108年以校級整合推動創新課程機制,通過集中式實驗課程試行辦法,109 年正式實施,補助5 系所 7 堂課程,修課人數合計 199 名。集中式實驗課程鼓勵系所彈性多元開課時間、打破原有課程框架及多元性跨域教學的各種可能性,部分補助邀請國內外專家學者授課,降低校內專任教師開課負擔,強化開課效能。
其中,戲劇學院排除新冠肺炎疫情國際移動的不便,109年邀請瑞典聲音訓練專家Hans Harald Michael Emgård主持暑期集中式實驗四週密集課程「聲音訓練、文本與表演工作坊」,透過實作引領學生探索有效發聲所運用的身體構造、呼吸機制、技巧,進而有意識地靈活運用,達成有效的舞台聲音表演。並辦理「跨學院觀課暨交流活動」,邀請校長、教務長、研發長,以及戲劇、舞蹈學院院長和主任、音樂學系主任、課務組組長參與觀課,促成不同領域教師對於表演者聲音訓練和教學方法多元體系的對話與互動。
In 2019, TNUA reinforced innovative teaching through performing a trial method of Intensive Experimental Course, in order to ignite instructors’ enthusiasm for curriculum development and teaching innovation. In 2020, the trial method became official, subsidized five departments and seven courses covering 199 students. The Intensive Experimental Course includes flexible class hours, creative curriculum structure, diverse interdisciplinary teaching, and subsidies for introducing professionals from around the world to reduce pressure on the professors of TNUA to enhance efficiency of every course. For example, in 2020, the School of Theatre Arts invited Swedish vocal training expert Hans Harald Michael Emgård to lead students to implement, explore, and apply the professional knowledge of human body and respiration and completed high-quality sound performance in a four-week intensive experimental summer workshop of Voice, Text, and Performance. Moreover, the School of Theatre Arts invited the President, Dean of Academic Affairs, Dean of Research & Development, Deans and Chairmans of the Schools of Theatre and Dance, Chair of the Department of Music, and Division Chief of the Academic Affairs Division to Inter-school Teaching and Learning Activities to observe the course and exchange ideas on diverse vocal training systems for performers.
Rehearsal of Angels in America, the short-term presentation of the Voice, Text and Performance Workshop.
2. 創新創業教育課程,開啟學生藝術生涯的另一面世界
2. Theory and Practice of Arts Program: A Stepping-stone for Artist Career
本校藝術創業教育以培養學生將創作轉換創業精神、提升校園創業風氣為目標,於108年盤點校內外資源,109年重新構建本校創新育成輔導資源整合體系,規劃辦理校園微型創業競賽「夢想自造所Dear Dream Maker」與「甘逗創意市集」,或教育部補助大專院校推動創新創業教育計畫開設2門創業核心課程──109學年度寒假以集中式課程方式開設個人與社會類通識教育課程「創業學.學創業-藝術人的創業故事」,啟蒙學生創業家精神;109學年度第2學期於藝術行政與管理研究所開設「藝術創業研究」,扎根創業知能養成,由學生自主組隊提案競賽獎勵金,導入校友及業師培訓課程與諮詢輔導,體驗將創意轉換為商機的過程,逐步建立青年藝術家面向商業市場時應備的基礎觀念與經驗,開啟學生邁向藝術創業家養成之門,爭取後續事業起飛機會,建構友善且獨具北藝大特色的藝術新創生態圈。透過實體展售或募資媒合檢驗成果,遴選具市場發展性團隊,介接輔導申請如教育部U-start創新創業計畫、文化部創業圓夢計畫等政府創業獎補助計畫,或媒合產業資源,爭取後續事業起飛機會,建構友善且獨具北藝大特色的藝術新創生態圈。
The Theory and Practice of Arts Program organized courses through the Center for General Education and Graduate Institute of Arts Administration and Management from 2017 to 2019, and listed 37 courses after examination and project meetings in 2020 to connect about 771 students with new ventures right after graduation. The courses include Exhibition and Curating of the School of Fine Arts, Operation and Management of Symphony Orchestra of the Department of Music, and Dance Production Practicum of the Institute of Dance and Focus Dance Company.
Aiming at raising the value, popularity, and transformation of creativity and entrepreneurship, TNUA’s arts entrepreneurship education examined resources in 2019 and established the innovation incubation counseling system in 2020. Also, the Theory and Practice of Arts Program organized schoolwide micro business competition Dear Dream Maker and Kantaw Creative Market, established two core curriculums on entrepreneurship including intensive winter course Entrepreneurship: Stories of the Art Entrepreneurs, arranged the course of Arts Entrepreneurship Research in the Graduate Institute of Arts Administration and Management, introduced counselings from alumni and industrial experts, encouraged students to build proposal teams to contend for the prize, and offered them knowledge and experience before entering the market. After the material display and fundraising, the most prospective team of Dear Dream Maker will have opportunities to apply for programs such as U-start Plan or Startup Project and other resources from the industry or government to obtain more opportunities.
(Left) Counsels being provided to students of the project Dear Dream Maker
(Right) Judges examining works of the teams at the Creative Market
3. 累積學生專業與跨域知識經驗,精進學習效能
3. Increase Students’ Professional and Interdisciplinary Knowledge to Enhance Learning Efficiency
In TNUA, students obtain theory knowledge, practical training, employability, and critical thinking through public presentation and communication, general education, writing, programming, innovative entrepreneurship, and interdisciplinary courses.
In recent years, many approaches have been provided to students to reach diverse and flexible learning environments. Around 180 students minored or double majored in programs of TNUA and other institutes in the past two years and 1800 students per year enroll in various programs including Interdisciplinary Appreciation of Art of General Education, Required Interdisciplinary Courses of the School of Film and New Media, art service learning, GenieLab Project, etc. in the past three years.
Interdisciplinary Cooperation of New Media Art
The School of New Media Art cooperates with the Department of Architecture of Shih Chien University and the Department of Civil Engineering of National Taiwan University to organize Light Weight, a three-week intercollegiate interdisciplinary creative workshop for sophomores and junior students. In the workshop, practical skills of installation design were strengthened through the perspectives of architecture and application of media through the perspectives of art. Students from three institutes acquire experience and feedback from teaming up, the coming up of concepts, producing, presenting, to the critiques of instructors from the three institutes. In 2018 and 2019, the Workshop produced and presented artworks in Treasure Hill Artist Village and participated in the 2020 Treasure Hill Light Festival with other artists. In 2020, 119 students and 11 instructors of the Workshop worked on 10 pieces on the theme of Tower and presented them at C-LAB.
Three schools cooperate on design, intercollegiate discussion, critique, and on-site installation.
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