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Implementation of Teaching Innovations and Enhancement of Teaching Quality
TaipeiArts Doctoral Research Lab (TAD Lab)
Contemporary Philosophers Guide with Advanced Critical Thinking to Build Schoolwide Interdisciplinary Knowledge Base
To develop contemporary artistic thinking and interdisciplinary knowledge, and to incubate future critical thinking and implement abilities of doctoral students, TAD Lab combines the Ph.D. Programs of Music, Fine Arts, Theatre Arts, Dance, and Culture Resources to establish a schoolwide interdisciplinary area for scholarly exchange. Every semester, students from different programs arrange a series of symposiums. The symposiums include Radical Threshold: Aesthetic Survival of Junior Scholars, La Méthode de Dramatization (The Dramatized Method), Time-Shift and Culture Preservation, and Towards the Imperceptible Zone. The academic vision and research quality of TNUA have been enhanced through profound academic exchanges on research experiences, insight, and observations with noted scholars worldwide.
2019年,北藝大博班實驗室舉辦大師講座「藝術,在21 世紀能做什麼?」,特別邀請著名的法國當代哲學家、前龐畢度國家藝術及文化中心研究與創新中心主任、現中國美術學院跨媒體藝術學院特聘教授Bernard Stiegler及德國威瑪包浩斯大學媒體學院講師許煜博士,以人類世(Anthropocene)與負人類世(Neganthropocene)、技術與藝術、機器生態與人工智慧等關於思想、藝術與技術三者間連動的推論關係作為論題,於本校、臺北市立美術館、國立交通大學社會與文化研究所辦理4場聯席講座與,另亦邀請本校陳愷璜校長、藝術跨域研究所黃建宏所長、楊凱麟教授與林宏璋教授、新媒體藝術學系主任王俊傑教授、台大地理環境資源學系洪廣冀助理教授、空中自體動力宣言發言人賴火旺、韓國慶熙大學李澤廣Alex Taek-Gwang Lee教授、日本帝京大學外語學院Joff Bradley副教授等國內不同領域的研究學者和藝術家與二位大師進行2場論壇對話,學生可從而推知大師與談學者、藝術家在面對當代(從控制論到人類世)與在地具體時空(如歐洲、加勒比海、中國、臺灣等地)下所提出倡議與做法。
In 2019, TAD Lab invited the noted French contemporary philosopher, Professor Bernard Stiegler, also the former director of Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges-Pompidou and distinguished professor of the School of Intermedia Art, China Academy of Art, and Dr. Yuk Hui, lecturer of the Faculty of Media of Bauhaus Universität Weimar to speak in four joint lectures of the seminar What Art Can Do in the XXIst Century at TNUA, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, and the Institute of Social Research and Culture Studies, National Chiao Tung University. The lectures were dedicated to the relationships of ideology, art, and technology, which were linked with the topics of the lectures: Anthropocene and Neganthropocene, Technology and Art, Circumstances of AI. Moreover, Professor Kai-Huang Chen, President of TNUA, Professor Chien-Hung Huang, Chairman of Graduate Institute of Trans-disciplinary Arts, Professor Kai-Lin Yang and Professor Hong John Lin, professors of Graduate Institute of Trans-disciplinary Arts, Professor Jun-Jieh Wang, Chairman of the Department of New Media Art, Professor Kuang-Chi Hung of the Department of Geography, National Taiwan University, Professor Ho-Wan Lai, spokesperson of the Manifesto of Autogenous Aerial Kinetic Energy, Professor Alex Taek-Gwang Lee of Kyung Hee University, Professor Joff Bradley of the Faculty of Language Studies, Teikyo University, were invited to have communications of ideas with the two maestros. The students could see the initiatives and approaches of these experts, researchers, and artists about the present (from cybernetics to the Anthropocene) at a specific time and space (for instance, Europe, the Caribbean Sea, China, Taiwan, etc.)
參考連結 | 北藝大博班實驗室 www.tad-lab.net
| 徐明瀚,朝向感知學的共工與會通:斯蒂格勒與許煜訪臺講座側記,典藏藝術視野,2019.12.09,https://artouch.com/view/content11943.html
圖:本校5位教授與2位邀請講者參與「藝術,在21 世紀能做什麼?」圓桌論壇
Professors and speakers at the What Art Can Do in the XXIst Century Seminar
Arts & Humanities Writing Centre
Removes Writing Obstacles for Students and Broadens the Width of Trans-Disciplinary Arts Writing
TNUA officially formed Arts & Humanities Writing Centre during May of 2018 to build a steady foundation of humanities writing and high learning quality. The Centre invites faculty-approved doctoral students as instructors to provide one-on-one counseling to students with writing confusion, and give solutions for their difficulties. Students should prepare, an explanation, and pose questions about their work five minutes before their 50 minute counseling sessions. The work of forms includes: no restriction on word count, forms could be in words, presentation, video, artwork, or recording file. Students highly appreciate this flexible method of advice and comment on it as a productive guide and answer to clear the hardships of writing.
The following is the feedback of the students,
“The instructor provided clear and practical advice, writing directions and plans of the next level to clarify my writing problems.”
“I have obtained much instruction and guidance from instructors of various fields during the counseling. Also, my confusion on the papers and writing methods has been solved by useful and specific advice.”
“During the conversations with instructors, my blind spots of writing had started to emerge and the solutions to fix them had been provided to me.”
107年學生主動預約寫作諮詢77人次,高出原本預期的60人次,參加者對方案實施的滿意度也高達 94.96%;108年126人次,滿意度95.91%,經過進一步分析,預約不只1次的學生佔40.43%,顯見再次與長期諮詢的需求大;以諮詢寫作類型及年級比例來看,學術寫作諮詢比率佔55%,碩班生預約佔66%,足以顯見寫作諮詢對於藝術學生是有正面助益的。此外,寫作中心辦理駐校文學家講座及寫作工作坊活動,輔導學生藝術跨域書寫實踐,並推動「妖言」學生投稿獎勵計畫,鼓勵學生以書寫表達意見(不含學術期刊之學術論文),主動投稿媒體引發對話,帶動社會關懷及寫作風氣,至今累積38篇。
During 2018, 77 people visited the writing Centre, more than the expected number of 60. Also, the attendants’ satisfaction reached 94.96%. The number of attendants increased to 126 people, and the appreciation grew to 95.91% in 2019. It was shown that long-term counseling is evident in high demand in the advanced analysis that students who reserved more than once accounted for 40.43%. It is also noticeable that writing counseling is beneficial for art students as graduate students accounted for 66% in academic writing counseling, which accounted for 55% in all kinds of writing counseling. Furthermore, the Centre helps and encourages students to express their ideas actively to the media by writing (not including academic papers of scholarly journals) and to drive society’s concern of writing by hosting lectures and workshops of writers-in-residence and starting Yao Yen Regulations Governing Incentive Rewards for students. The number of publications to the media has now reached 38 pieces.
Orchestral Internship Program
Faculty of Music and National Symphony Orchestra Cooperate to Train Students Capabilities to Work in Orchestra
TNUA has cooperated with the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO), one of the best philharmonic orchestras in Taiwan, to carry out the collaboration between academia and industry, continue the equipping system of NSO, and train professional orchestra musicians and administration staff through the Orchestral Internship Program since 2018. With NSO as the influence, the Program offers students solid training of capabilities to work in an orchestra with the Music Faculty’s courses, such as performance, knowledge, technical skills, and professional work experience, at the critical time before graduation. “The Program is the result of the hard work of professors and students of the School of Music. Being able to collaborate with NSO is the best approval students of TNUA could acquire from the elite in the industry,” stated Professor Shien-Ta Su, Dean of the Faculty of Music.
「樂團職銜學分學程」招收碩士班以上在學學生,部分課程提供大學部選修。分為樂團實踐組與音樂行政組(分組學分科目表公版未提供),修業學分數最低20學分。其中,除了共同樂團職銜專題講座外,演奏組由國家交響樂團各部首席音樂家分別開授各樂器分部之專業培訓課程,並安排進入國家交響樂團排練實習,實習成績由國家交響樂團考核;行政組學生則在授課教師指導下,以實際參與樂團演出節目的企劃製作與行銷工作,增加學生多元就業專業能力,培養全方位職業樂團演 職人才,對學生們將來職涯規劃,必能帶來莫大的助益。
The Orchestral Internship Program recruits graduate students and is divided into two concentration tracks, Orchestral Internship and Music Administration, with the minimum credit number of 20. Undergraduate students can take some of the courses of the Program. Beside the Topics on Orchestra Administration, the concert masters of NSO give the students of Orchestral Internship the lectures on the Majors and the Professional Orchestra Internship, which is to work as an intern at the rehearsals of NSO and be assessed and graded by NSO during their internship. For the students of Music Administration, their comprehensive capabilities as professional orchestra performers will expand through the participation in Practical Studies on Music Production and the Music Marketing Practices.
Alumni Homecoming
Connect with the Globe
TNUA turns the TNUA’s alumnus and their achievements in the field of art around the world into an inspiration for Taiwan’s education of art by inviting outstanding alumnus home to share their recent global accomplishments and the strengths they accumulated through experiences.
With the subsidy from the Higher Education Sprout Project of the Ministry of Education, TNUA establishes the project of Alumnus Homecoming to invite outstanding alumnus from world’s top dance companies to give lectures, and sharing the knowledge of dancing, experiences of multinational collaboration to young dancers through courses of four months, summer workshops, or visiting choreographing. The project was expanded into Asia-Pacific Contemporary Dance Lab in 2019, after receiving praises of summer workshops from students in 2018.
二年來邀請回校傳承教學的校友包括田采薇(德國烏帕塔舞蹈劇場Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch舞者)、陳崇賢(瑞士伯恩市立芭蕾舞團 Konzert theater Bern舞者)與劉方怡(德國萊比錫歌劇院Leipzig OperBallett Germany 舞者)及李明子(美國紐約林肯中心大都會歌劇院Metropolitan Opera House舞者)、李貞葳(前以色列巴希瓦當代舞團Batsheva Dance Comany舞者,Gaga舞蹈教學家);林燕卿(國際自由舞者、倫敦奧運開幕式獨舞者、前英國阿喀朗舞團Akram Khan Company&侯非胥謝克特現代舞團Hofesh Shechter Company舞者),莊凱雯(曾任Jasmin Vardimon Company 舞者、舞團工作坊教師);積極投入舞蹈教育與推廣的余建宏(前雲門舞集獨舞者,國際費登奎斯®身心整合教育Authorized Teacher of Awareness Through Movement動中覺察合格教師),以及詹翔宇(曾任日本無設限舞團Noism Company舞者、青楓舞劇坊Maple Dance副團長)。
In the past two years, the Project invited alumnus such as Tsai-Wei Tien, dancer of Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, Tsung-Hsien Chen, dancer of Konzert Theater Bern, Fang-Yi Liu, dancer of Leipzig Oper Ballett Germany, Mia Li, dancer of Metropolitan Opera House, Chen-Wei Lee, former dancer of Batsheva Dance Company and instructor of Gaga Workshop, Yen-Ching Lin, former dancer of Akram Khan Company and Hofesh Shechter Company, solo dancer of London Olympics Opening Ceremony and now freelance dancer, Kai-Wen Chuang, former dancer of Jasmin Vardimon Company and instructor of dance workshops, Chien-Hung Yu, former solo dancer of Cloud Gate Dance Theater and Authorized Teacher of Awareness Through Movement of the Feldenkrais Center, and Xiang-Yu Zhan, dancer of Noism Company and vice president of Maple Dance.
2019年同時邀請義大利 ITFD藝術總監和舞蹈天地文化協會共同創辦人Francesco D’Astici,與校友教師共同教學,計有77名學生(包括舞蹈系七年一貫先修班64名,大學部與研究所8名,和校外2名學生)接受不同的舞蹈形式與風格教師,連續兩週密集工作坊芭蕾、現代等多元舞蹈技巧訓練課程與排練。
During 2019, the Project also invited Francesco D’Astici, artistic director of ITFD (I. T Fused Dance) and co-founder of Dance World Culture Association, to collaborate with TNUA alumnus and to train 77 attendants, including 64 students from the Seven-Year Dance Program, 8 from undergraduate and graduate programs, and two from outside TNUA, to dig deeper into various dance styles in a two-week intensive workshop of ballet, modern dance, and other forms.
圖:歸巢計畫-亞太當代舞蹈平台 工作坊成果展現
Performance of Asia-Pacific Contemporary Dance Lab Workshop – Alumnus Homecoming
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