{{ $t('FEZ002') }}計畫管理人|
Development of School Features
Kuandu Light Art Festival
Develop Possibilities of Atypical Artistic Inter-disciplinary Performanc
Kuandu Light Art Festival, a large-scale and subversive transmedia theatre experimental project of interdisciplinary art has been run and directed by the Faculty of New Media Art for two years. Every year, New Media Art collaborates wit an individual faculty, for example, the School of Music in 2018 and Focus Dance Company of the School of Dance in 2019, to introduce resources and professional instructors from the industries and hold workshops that raise students’ abilities and build connections with the industry.
High Swimming, the innovative new media performative artwork of the Kuandu Light Art Festival in 2018, took place in the swimming pool of TNUA and made a breakthrough by using spaces cleverly rather than using immovable installations. The swimming pool was compared to life and was turned into a substantial surreal dream, reflecting real life with performances of lights, installations, lasers, sounds, audiovisuals, and bodily performances.
Moving Me Badly, the Festival’s surrealistic immersive environmental theatre in 2019, took place in the damaged swimming pool of TNUA that is under construction and presented the dark side of history and the rebirth of life through kinetic art, modern dance, outdoor and indoor exhibitions, and performances.
圖 2019關渡光藝術節《壞運動》展演情形。
The Exhibition and Performance Moving Me Badly, Kuandu Light Art Festival, 2019
TNUA School of Music and Faculty of New Media Art collaborated with GRAME Centre National de Création Musicale on Energy Transfigured after the two faculties worked together on the transdisciplinary concert Looking Sounds in 2018. In the collaboration, medium transportation and energy production of the digital age were presented experimentally and innovatively through homemade musical instruments, interactive technology, and contemporary composition.
新媒系與音樂系數十位同學在GRAME中心Jean Geoffroy和Christophe Lebreton兩位老師帶領下,以「能量轉換」進行創作發想,融合音樂、聲光、互動設計,呼應著這群年輕創作家們對於身處在資訊爆炸的世代,透過不同的創作呈現,為「能量轉換」寫下全新的註解。
Jean Geoffrey and Christophe Lebreton of GRAME guided students of Music and New Media Art to develop, create, and combine music, sounds, lights, and interactive design to display Energy Transfigured by an information-overwhelmed generation.
Since February, professors of Music and New Media Art have been working with the team of GRAME on Workshop of International New Media Art Faculty Community, for composers and engineers to exchange ideas with the aim of building a teaching system of art and technology in TNUA, and Workshop of Subject Collaboration was held in May to help students research a complete project. 70 students were picked to receive additional professional instruction, correction, advice, and guidance on their creative productions and experimental performances after taking the courses and workshops.
During the presentation, students’ creation displayed Energy Transfigured through composition, improvisation, experimental performances with homemade interactive devices such as visual presentation of physical kinetics by connecting mobiles to Wi-Fi and coordinate system locating.
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