{{ $t('FEZ002') }}計畫管理人|
Increase Higher Education Universality
Special Admission for Distinctive Students
Special Admission for Disadvantaged Students with Distinctive Artistic Talents
Diverse Admission Approach and Admission Priority
本校近年錄取學生不乏表現優異之經濟、文化不利或身心障礙考生。招收此類學生比率107 年為7.18%,108 年為9.21%,在透過協助,錄取人數有所增加。在積極宣導機制的實施下,各入學管道近年經濟或文化不利報名人數佔總報名人數比率確有提升。另外,本校各項入學管道均提供經濟不利學生入學應試相關費用減免、考生至本校應試交通及住宿補助,以及在不影響整體試務公平性下,考生得依報考學系面試時段自行選填面試時問,並依身心障礙或行動不便應試生特殊需求提供相關應考服務及協助,減輕應試負擔。
In recent years, TNUA has admitted several outstanding students from disadvantaged backgrounds. The admissions accounted for 7.18% in 2018 and 9.21% in 2019; the percentage is still rising because of promotions that have increased the number of applications. TNUA provides reduced fees, subsidies for transportation and lodging, and other aids for disadvantage students during examinations.
Admission of distinctively talented students with disadvantaged backgrounds or limited resources
近2年本校推動「特殊選才招生計畫」,精進特殊成就、才能、表現或潛能藝術選才機制。透過學系設定資格條件,使學生不受限於學業成績之門檻,並針對弱勢及具不同教育資歷(如境外臺生、新住民及其子女、實驗教育學生、持ACT 或SAT成績學生等)優秀考生,提供就學機會。本校除招收具特殊才能學生外,於特殊選才管道中招收不同教育資歷及弱勢學生,針對弱勢家庭逆境向上或特殊身份具有強烈學習熱誠的學生,提供諮詢輔導與資源。
The Special Admission for Distinctive Students offers opportunities, counseling, and resources for outstanding students with enthusiasm for learning but with disadvantaged or special educational backgrounds, such as overseas Taiwanese students, children of immigrants, students of experimental education, and students with scores of ACT or SAT.
In 2018, 33 of the 123 students who applied for the Special Admission for Distinctive Students were financially disadvantaged (compared to only 25 people in 2017); 14 students from families of immigrants, indigenous, or in other positions of hardship; and 24 students had experimental education background.
本校亦適時調整各招生入學管道之因應策略,透過多面向的考試方式,再由各評審委員專業判斷,以發掘考生的特殊性與潛力,多層篩選,以期招收適合各學系之學生;另一方面,配合學院系所重要展演行銷期間辦理高中藝術才能班進行教育資源分享,如108年配合音樂學院跨域原創音樂劇Original Musical《車過枋寮-余光中音樂劇》於屏東演出期間,提供高屏地區4所高中藝術才能班推薦優秀之經濟或文化不利學生大師講座、個別指導與工作坊課程,並進行招生宣傳與本校對經濟或文化不利學生升學協助方案介紹,同時藉機與各高中教師深入會談,瞭解各校經濟或文化不利學生學習狀況並討論本校可協助方式,或者,定期舉辦「北藝參觀日」及「到校宣導」,以藝術環境與學習體驗展現本校教學與學習特色,邀請師生至本校進行藝術參訪與體驗,108年辦理43校51場次,吸引更多對藝術有興趣的專業人才,為校園注入新的生命力,落實多元選才的精神。
The Review Committee will verify students’ distinctiveness and capacity carefully to enroll suitable students for each faculty. In addition, the Special Admission for Distinctive Students cooperates with faculties of TNUA to hold sessions in talented classes of high schools to share information and resources. For instance, the School of Music offers students of talented classes of art in four high schools opportunities to attend lectures, individual direction sessions, and workshops are provided with information regarding admission for disadvantaged students, which are discussed thoroughly with teachers of high schools. Moreover, during 2019 TNUA held 51 visits and was visited by 43 high schools. TNUA displayed distinctive features of the school through environmental and artistic experiences.
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