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計畫名稱:Shared Campus | 校園共享專案合作計畫
計畫分項:Critical Ecologies 生態思辨子計畫
本學期開設於本校文創產業國際藝術碩士學位學程(IMCCI)之「 生態思辨 i - 身體與原住民性 | Critical Ecologies i - Body and Indigeniety」課程,授課老師來分別自國內外不同專業背景與領域(詳細名單如下),以提升學生視野與國際學習之體驗。此次課程包括於台東舉辦田野調查和工作坊等,從講座到文化體驗,藉由自然、社會、政治、藝術、宗教與學術等不同的面向深入探討此次活動議題。課程打破傳統、學生坐在教室被動式接收資訊之學習模式, 讓學生體驗需身歷其境(immersive)之課程,融入自身肢體、頭腦與課程主題等,透過此體驗讓學生更能深刻體驗本課程「自然生態」、「身體」,與「原民」等議題。
Nuria 老師的工作坊的呈現
2019年5月30日 - 課程成果發表會
~ 本學期課程師資群 ~
林亞婷 LIN Yatin
(Ph.D. in Dance History and Theory from University of California, Riverside), Associate Professor and Chairperson of the Graduate Institute of Dance at Taipei National University of the Arts. Her book Sino-Corporealities: Contemporary Choreographies from Taipei, Hong Kong and New York was published by TNUA Press. Lin formerly served on the Board of Directors for the Society of Dance History Scholars (USA), and was the President of Taiwan Dance Research Society.
Laurent Gutierrez
Associate Professor from the School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is one of the founders of MAP Office, a multidisciplinary platform that has been based in Hong Kong since 1996, working on physical and imaginary territories using varied means of expression including drawing, photography, video, installations, performance, and literary and theoretical texts.
An artist, writer, and teacher, committed to socially and ecologically engaged art. He investigates the past and imagines the future from the perspectives of marginalized communities and marginalized plants. He is learning to cultivate ecological wisdom for a Good Anthropocene. He has worked with a number of museums and art spaces in Asia and Europe, most recently Parco Arte Vivente (Torino), The Cube Project Space (Taipei), Villa Vassilieff (Paris), Cass Sculpture Foundation (Goodwood), Sifang Art Museum (Nanjing), and Hong Kong Museum of Art.
布拉瑞揚 · 帕格勒法
曾任職各大専院校、國中、小學原住民社團及舞蹈比賽指 導。「pinaski」青少年文化樂舞團創辦人暨藝術總監、哈蔀特文 化藝術會社 負責人。 現職國立台東高商原住民舞蹈社指導、原住民舞蹈比賽評選 委員、2016年南島文化節專案咨詢組員。 長年推動部落文化、傳接部落祭儀、從事原住民族各項文化 藝術事務及樂舞教學。
Nuria Krämer
Studied Multimedia at the Centre de la Imatge i Tecnologia Multimedia, Polytechnic University of Catalunya. She has since then been working in the audio visual sector as an art director in advertising and as art director assistant, set decorator, artistic consultant in different international TV and movie productions. In the year 2009 she moved to Zurich, where she graduated in the MA in Transdisciplinary and pursued a Certificate in Advances Studies in Research in Artisitic Universities. She curated exhibitions, educational and public programmes mostly focussed on exploring the potentials of collaboration between cultures and disciplines.
安聖惠(峨冷 ‧ 魯魯安) Eleng Luluan
石瑛媛 (豆豆) | 魯碧‧司瓦那 RUBY Swana
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