{{ $t('FEZ002') }}文資學院|
計畫名稱:11G205-6 高教深耕【文資學院】
具體措施:2-10【博館所】 數位人文與博物館
本課程的評分方式:平時參與 30%; 上課論文摘要 30%; 期末報告 40%
Pedretti, E., Iannini, A.M.N. Towards Fourth-Generation Science Museums: Changing Goals, Changing Roles. Can. J. Sci. Math. Techn. Educ. 20, 700–714 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42330-020-00128-0
Rhodes, R. 2021. Chapter 1: Specimen Days In: “Scientist: E. O. Wilson: A Life in Nature”. Pp:1-25. Doubleday: New York.
Livingston, D. N. 2003. Site: Venues of Science, Pp. 17-86. In: “Putting Science in Its Place”. The University of Chicago Press: London.
Galison, Peter, and Jennifer Berglund. “Visualizing Science: From Black Holes to the Future with Peter Galison, Director of the Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments.” Harvard Museums of Science & Culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Museums of Science & Culture, 2021.
Teather, J. L. 1991. Museum studies: Reflecting on reflective practice, Museum Management and Curatorship. Volume 10(4): 403-417.
Bud, Robert. 1997. History of Science and the Science Museum. The British Journal for the History of Science, 30(1): 47–50.
Lythberg, B., Newell, J., & Ngata, W. (2015). Houses of stories: the whale rider at the American Museum of Natural History. Museum and Society, 13(2), 189-214. doi:https://doi.org/10.29311/mas.v13i2.326
Luke, Timothy W. 2002. Nuclear Reactions: The (Re)Presentation of Hiroshima at the National Air and Space Museum. In: “Museum Politics: Power Plays at the Exhibition”, Pp. 19-36. University of Minnesota Press.
Wieczorkiewicz, Anna. 2006. Unwrapping mummies and telling their stories: Egyptian mummies in museum rhetoric. In: “Science, Magic and Religion: The Ritual Processes of Museum Magic” Pp. 51–72.
Lopes, Maria. 2016. Gender, Collecting Practices, Museums. HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology 10(1): 1-9.
Teslow. T. L. Reifying race: science and art in races of mankind at the Field Museum of Natural History. Pp. 53-76. In: “The Politics of Display: Museum, Science, Culture”. Routledge: London.
Hecker, Susanne, et al. 2018. Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy – Setting the Agenda for Citizen Science. In:“Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy” , Pp. 1–24, UCL Press.
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