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計畫名稱:Shared Campus | 校園共享專案合作計畫
計畫分項:Critical Ecologies子計畫
本學期當代舞蹈研究課程邀請姊妹校蘇黎士藝術大學(Zurich University of the Arts)的Joëlle Bitton老師,與香港「啟民創社」共同創始人之一、瑞典林內大學(Linnéuniversitetet)教師Yanki Lee博士參與「 生態思辨 II - 駭 | Critical Ecologies ii - Hacking Values」授課,提升本校國際學習之實踐與成效。課程透過密集工作坊、講座及課程讓所有與會的師生一起腦力激盪,並藉由成果發表,從理論到實踐,不受框架的勾勒出各自的想法,自由地呈現與表達。
~ 本課延攬之國際師資 ~
Dr./Prof. Joëlle Bitton
Co-founded in Vienna the experimental collective Superficiel.org in 2000, in support of works that explore the ideas of surface, screen, and body movement as interfaces. She further researched the mediation of technologies in society at world-class institutions such as MIT Media Lab Europe in the Human Connectedness group and at Culture Lab, Newcastle University. She’s a Doctor of Design at Harvard Graduate School of Design, conducting a research about interactive fabrication.
She also leads an international career as an interaction designer and consultant for cultural institutions (Le Louvre, Grand Palais…) and for businesses (Harry Winston, Alain Ducasse…). Her other fields of expertise include teaching, conducting participatory workshops, curating events and managing projects. She co-organises Dorkbot Paris.
Dr. Yanki Lee
A social designer, design researcher and activist, designs creative participation for social inclusion and innovation. Since April 2017, Senior Lecturer of Department of Design, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Sept-Dec 2017, Visiting Scholar of K3, Malmo University. Since April 2017 Co-founder of Enable Foundation with Hong Kong Government’s SIE fund support. 2013-2017 Founding director of HKDI DESIS Lab for Social Design Research where she continues her research on new design practice in addressing social issues and aims to create societal changes through social design research projects. 2015 1st PhD student Carmen Hijosa graduated at the RCA.
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